Saturday, January 13, 2007

Yet another January

Resolutions are cliched, but then again so is everything else that our brain restricts itself to. It's infuriating to think that our minds were meant to be powerful tools, but as a general mass we have been brainwashed to think between the two lines drawn crookedly by media. Thats too interesting a point to discuss with you so I'll saunter back to telling you about the resolutions I'm making up for the fun of it.

Its January, and we're programmed to think that this month of the year will incite us to actually act on the impulse of starting over. (which really is not an impulse but a robotic reaction perfected over the years- you resolve in january, amend for your convenience in February, neglect inApril, forget about it for 7 months and then regretfully feel guilty suddenly in December. I might have even forgotten a month there)

I've resolved learn a dash of the guitar, practice the lil of the foreign languages I've now forgotten, pierce my eyebrow :-), read a book a month, start up my business, start sketching again, travel to two different places, have a random fling (I'm running out of things to do), expand the business clientele, nourish this blog, watch alot of old movies in monotones; and since this list has been undergoing editing for the whole of this month, I'll have to come up with one less thing to do apparently.

I just hope this isnt the year I say fuck this shit and just abandon it all and go hitchhike around the world. Its a bitch that all these books/ movies make that route seem so damn bloody worth it.


Blogger said...

Ah, the resolutions that we bring upon ourselves!! I always did wonder why nobody made resolutions on their Birthdays instead - That would be a means of evolving as each year goes by :) Instead, we wait for an excuse called the start of a new Calendar Year and we promise [or attempt to promise] our miserable half that it can do without half the things that made them the Miserable half in the first place !!!

I decided to give up smoking [Not an easy task mind you !!] -- Somehow, I've managed to keep it to a Cig a day, Very rarely will I have two ; It's been about 3 months this way - But no matter how much i try to block the thought, i can't seem to stay away for more than a few days and then, it's back to the miserable self !!

The only raw emotion associated with this entire exercise is the fact that I can feel sorry for my weaker, spineless self and be comforted in knowing that I ma, after all, Human !
[And male, but that's for a different story :D ]

Blogger said...

P.S. -- I always wanted to hitchhike too; There's so much to be seen and we only have but one lifetime to discover it all ; And I intend to blog my way through it - May make a book or a movie out if it someday ; Just need a lead female character to attract the viewers :D

J said...

whoa you got the patience to read all of this!

and yea I know the smoking resolution. Riggght. Here in Kuwait, sheesha (See smoking tobacco in a pipe that looks alot like a bong) is almost a sport, and its funny when people who gave up smoking get hooked on it.

I gave up sheesha and hit my marlboro's again.