Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hypocrisy and the Nine Bunnies

Thats what one of Grimms fairy tales should have been named. And the moral should have been that the more overtly a hypocrite you are, your decapitated head will roll no matter how cute.

I'm sure thats one of our fascinating humanly natured traits where we just cant get through the day without saying one thing and doing the other. Its amazing how many things it can apply to. Its also amazing how I tend to always catch these dualities so clearly and then they feel like the itch on the part of your back you cant reach. I didnt say I aint a hypocrite, its just that I havent caught myself being one.

Life ought to come with a voice recorder and a red basket of chocolate brownies. The latter just a bonus since we were prolly created for the amusement of some higher species.


Blogger said...

So I had too much Rum and I visit your blog and now, my head hurts even more !!

Wonder if your poetry would make a difference?! :D

Time to rest awhile - Will blog back 2mrw

Blogger said...

Wondering where I'm coming from .... Hmmmmmmmm, wish i had an answer to that !!

And how could I possibly sound familiar? Unless you are trying to say that my writing reminds you of some particular style!

What's on your mind J?

June said...

I found you coz I was like where the hell did she go, she had such a cool blog and I clicked on one of your old comments.

I'm more visual, I'd need a step-by-step guide with illustrations of stick men doing things. And yeah I'd keep the brownies too.

Romzy said...

Well well well ...
I pretty much did what JUNE did - only I was waiting for you to drop in a line !

Chica Bonita Q8 said...

It took me a while to find your blog, I thought you had quit blogging since I kept getting errors when I tried accessing your old site, but anyway it's good to know still blogging :D

Archeology Uncovered said...

Where are you and why the hell have you been gone for 10 months?
