Friday, January 19, 2007

Rascist Bastards

Nothing irks me more than the fact that they get paid more because of the color of their skin. I do know there's so much more to it, but since when did anyone who seeks justice forgive the fact that the spoon you were born with in your mouth matters.

I hate the fact that some nationalities get paid more here in Kuwait, and thus are given just that much. While importing fucking whites (nothing personal of course) costs just about double, and while some do half the work the coloreds do, or half as well as the coloreds do it even, they'll still get paid more. Bull fucking shit, man. Maybe that's why I support inter racial marriages. It brings the world together, like a wise shworma guy once told me.

Or maybe some day, it'll change. The way dusky skin came into vogue. Maybe black gold will be worth its weight in gold even.


Blogger said...

It's ironic that this post should come my way because I came across this quote on another blog just before i saw yours and i thought FATE was pointing me in the right direction !!

"It is amazing how much people can get done if they do not worry about who gets the credit."


"One man's justice is another's injustice; one man's beauty another's ugliness; one man's wisdom another's folly."

All right, the second one was thrown in just for good measure !!

I cannot stand Monetary Discrimination based on color either ; It's like the time when the White man used to make a Dollar more than the colored because he couldn't make the same wages as a colored man !!

Geez Louise !! We're in the 21st Century [The last time I checked] .... And I agree with the whole Inter-racial marraige idea; A million years down the line, we'll be a mixed race - We might as well start now!

And something tells me that your dusky skin is still in vogue :) No offense meant ; Your white skin may be in Vogue too - i aint the Fashion Police :D

J said...

Yep its pissy really, but I guess businesses will always take advantage of whatever will boost their business, ignoring any sort of discrimination even if its in their face.

People can conveniently be blind when they want to.