Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Making up for Whats not There

I always wear make up to work, as my line involves sucking up, kissing ass, batting mascara saturated eyelashes, smiling alot and looking interested- marketing and sales really. I re-assigned my meetings to other people today so I could fiddle with this brand new shiny blog and stick some chimes or eye hurting bling in it. Wound up not wearing any make up, coz I wasnt going to unglue my ass from my seat.

And then, a nightmare. Colleagues glanced at me with ghastly expressions as they walked in, did a double take and looked away. Then they looked at me again, and said gravely, "Did you catch it on your holiday at the islands?"; Someone else was more audaciously forthright when she asked me with grave disgust," Hun, I told you not to pet stray dogs. Now, is it contagious?"

I was furious. I mean, I know I look better with make up but did they psychologically embed that plastic doll look into their heads that they couldnt accept the (a little more than) half-prettier-than-usual me? And then I snuck a peek into the mirror. UGH! I looked like something a stray cat just spat out, and though I realised it was a combination look of hungover-just woke up-cold struck- I only began to wonder how made up was I, literally and metaphorically.

Make up is a powerful weapon, but like a weapon - you cant do much with a 98k Mauser Carbine if you dont know how to use it. Make up is like a mask, it hides, it empowers, but like with any weapon you're up in arms and untouchable by anyone, and unreachable.

I wonder if the more make up you wear, the less atractive you become (to others and to yourself) without it. And the fact that you think you are less attractive, you might just get more unattractive due to psychosomatic suggestions? Its a long shot, but make up is beginning to seem more a fall from grace and a substitution for substance than fulfilling the purpose it should have been which would be accentuating something already there.

Note: When I begin to start psychobabble please pelt me with mangoes, tomatoes and such. Just make sure I'm not wearing white okay?


Blogger said...

Hungover huh?!
Just a little something I want to share with you --

You know you're really drunk if you can't lie on the floor without holding on.

Hyok Hyok !!

J said...

hahhahah yep been there done that. On a couch actually. And then fell off it and discovered with stupefied shock how hard exactly the floor was...