Sunday, January 21, 2007

Life's Lessons

....Well its funny how the darn phone only rings when you dont carry it with you to the loo. And I pretty much always do. Then you begin to wonder is it your ex? Or the guy you had a fling with two months ago? Or your client who's supplies you never delivered? Or the supplier who you forgot to take the goods from to deliver to your clients? It could prolly be accounts wondering where the darn money went...

And then you wander out of the shower mid soaped because the suspense begins to kill you even though you stepped into the shower and demanded yourself to not be affected.

This all probably is a useful metaphor that could look really profound in comparison to the crap life dishes out, but I'm not getting it.


June said...

And who was it finally? The suspense is killing me.

Probably a wrong number or the one person you know you really can't be arsed to speak to. That's what would happen to me anyway.

Welcome back!

Blogger said...

Carry the Phone to the Loo?
Have you never heard of the story where the Phone meets its watery end?
I've heard it recounted a zillion times - It's a popular folk tale!!

As for implied Metaphors, they usually are Metaphors unto themselves !!!

[P.S - Your blog has been added to my 'Blogs Of Note' list - Don't disappoint]

J said...

Hey June, lmao, how didja find me?
Arrgh yea hate it when you bob all wide eyed excitedly to the phone brimming of hope and figure out it is some insignificant other lol. it was some insignificant other btw :-I

Heylo blogger!!! yea hopefully it wouldnt deliberately bounce around and find its way through into the pot coz thats the only watery grave it'll meet. Trust me, I know coz it fell in the shower and survived. Dont ask me why I had to be on the phone while I was in the shower :-I

Thx for adding me, arrrgh the pressure :-P